Hoe kan Varodem je helpen?

Give wings to your knowledge

Welcome to the Varodem Academy. As a leading player in the market for medical compression therapy, Varodem attaches great importance to information exchange. Especially for you, there is the Varodem Academy. Here you can gain all the information, knowledge, science and skills you need to become even better in your profession.

Varodem Academy 2025

Product presentations:

The teaching methods used by the Varodem Academy are unique. Unique because of the accurate information but especially because of the generality that our trainings contain. In addition, we focus on your question and desire of what you would like to learn.

Once again this year, we will give you the opportunity to increase your knowledge and skills around compression and edema care. Our training courses are designed especially for you. Specific to each professional group and generic in each topic, but also trainings where the mix of professional groups is a powerful addition to the topic.

All Varodem Academy trainings are based on the latest scientific knowledge and In addition, come directly from practice. Theory is always combined with practical skills that will allow you to immediately put what you have learned into practice.

To upgrade and/or maintain your knowledge and skills, you can choose from accredited and certified trainings. Our physical and online trainings are offered on fixed dates and locations. In addition, it is possible to v anaf five people a physical or online request in-company training. This can be an existing training. We can also customize a training to fit your exact needs. A Varodem Academy instructor will come provide this training online or on-site. You can request an in-company training at academy@varodem.nl. Varodem also offers product presentations on various products within its product range.

An overview of all trainings in 2025 can be found in the following training overview or under the menu on the right. Under the tab ‘Book this training’ you can register for a training. You can also register directly at academy@varodem.nl.

Keep an eye on this page or the Varodem social media channels for the most up-to-date information.

Training offerings:

Will we see you at one of our trainings in 2025?

Training Overview 2025

Training: Thrombosis & Post-thrombotic syndrome (Online)

Reserve this training

No dates yet known.

Training: Is compression the only advice for (lymph)edema? (Online)

Reserve this training

No dates yet known.

Training: lymphedema, how do you look at it? (Physical)

Reserve this training

No dates yet known.

Training: Compression & Choice Stress (Physical)

Reserve this training

No dates yet known.

Bandaging XXL (Physical)

Wound Care XXL (Physical)

Varodem product-

This year, in addition to training sessions, Varodem is also offering a monthly online product presentation. During the product presentation you will be informed completely free of charge about our range of medical compression aids and their application in practice. The presentations are given by one of Varodem’s qualified product specialists and last 1.5 hours.

Attending a product presentation

Data productpresentatie: VaroCare en VaroPad (Online)
Data productpresentatie: Therapeutische elastische kousen (Online)
Data productpresentatie: Broeken en Thoraxen (Online)


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